Education for educators
World-class learning for schools and teachers begins here.

Innovation Design Lab for Learning

The Innovation Design Lab for Learning is ISV’s hub for educators and school leaders.
The Design Lab creates and embeds the best research and evidence-based experiences with leading local and global partners. We provide opportunities to consolidate core skills, deepen your understanding of contemporary learning and give you the space to be part of emerging practice.
Experience the benefits of the Design Lab in the Development Centre at our offices in West Melbourne, online through isLearn or with customised professional learning to support your school’s needs.
Our training, conference and meeting rooms are also available for hire.
Professional learning
Flagship programs
Whether you’re embarking on a new career in teaching, an experienced educator or an established Principal – we have a program to help you stay on top of your game.
Our flagship programs have been developed to guide educators and school leaders through every step of your professional learning journey, including:
- Teaching and learning
- Leadership development
- School transformation.
We collaborate with eminent local and global partners – including AHISA, Deloitte, Wayfinder and more – to provide access to some of the world’s leading academics and education thought leaders.
Teaching and learning
Aspiring Principals
Deputy Principals, Senior Leaders,
AHISA Aspirant Members
Leadership development
Emerge as the leader you are
Middle leaders
Educators aspiring to middle leadership roles
Leadership development
New Principals Network
New principals (or those new to their school)
Leadership development
School transformation
Learning Newshub

Strong networks are the secret to a great career.
ISV has a range of dedicated networks catering to the needs and interests of staff working at Independent schools.
These networks are a great way to exchange ideas, gain new perspectives and connect with like-minded colleagues.
Individual networks meet a number of times each year and are free for ISV Member Schools.
Most meetings are offered in a hybrid format, with options to attend online and in-person.
Click on the relevant network below to find out more.
Career Practitioner Network
Connect with fellow Career Practitioners to collaborate, share ideas and keep abreast of career education updates.
Learn more>>
Deputy Principal Network
Fostering collaboration and communication among Deputy Principals within Independent schools.
Learn more>>
EAL and EAL/D Network
Explore and share innovative methodologies that differentiates instruction for EAL and EAL/D learners.
Learn more>>
Human Resource Managers Network
Keep abreast of topical employment/human relations issues affecting Independent schools.
Learn more>>
Learning and Teaching Network
Foster new ideas for your teaching practice and develop stronger connections between schools.
Learn more>>
Risk Managers Network
Stay up-to-date with information and clarity on issues of risk and compliance affecting Independent schools.
Learn more>>
Victorian Special Assistance Schools (VIC SAS) Network
Explore strategies to enhance positive wellbeing outcomes and meet specific challenges for non-mainstream schools.
Learn more>>
Wellbeing Leader Network
Share ideas, resources and best practice on initiatives to promote wellbeing in schools.
Learn more>>
Venue hire
Meeting rooms and event spaces for hire
Looking for somewhere to host your upcoming event?
Whether you need a boardroom for an executive meeting, or you’re hosting a workshop or larger event for up to 90 guests, we have the ideal room to suit your needs.
We have a dedicated floor of contemporary, elegantly designed event spaces and meeting rooms located in West Melbourne, on the fringe of the CBD.
Our rooms are equipped with the latest audiovisual equipment, suitable for in-person or hybrid events, to ensure your event goes off without a hitch.