Leading Learning that Matters
Develop a unique vision for learning at your school

Established Principals
Leadership, vision, research
2 years
Leading Learning that Matters (LLtM) is the peak professional learning program for Principals offered by Independent Schools Victoria, in conjunction with Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
LLtM is a two-year research program designed to engage Principals who are looking to shape their institutions and to meet the significant challenge of defining learning more appropriately.
It explores two key questions for today’s educational landscape:
- How can learning be expanded beyond traditional academic commitments to matter more in learners’ lives?
- How can school leaders shape their institution to stay true to its core commitments, thrive as a contemporary centre of learning, and contribute to a dynamic and complex global society?
LLtM brings together a small cohort of school leaders from diverse settings to reflect and re-think what’s taught in their schools and how it’s taught.
Guided by a flexible structure, the program encourages school leaders to construct a vision that reflects their history, their ongoing commitments and their sense of the world for which they are preparing students.
More information
Kate Anderson
Executive Support Manager
Independent Schools Victoria