Micro-credentials for classroom confidence
Evidence-based. Expert-informed. Cost-free.

1 min read
Upskill quickly, meet your professional development requirements and transform your teaching with micro-credentials for classroom confidence.
Australian teachers will be able to access free micro-credentials through the University of Adelaide, to help improve learning outcomes in classrooms.
The micro-credentials give current and pre-service teachers the tools and knowledge to navigate a wide range of classroom challenges, helping you feel more prepared and in control across diverse scenarios.
They are available on three topics:
Classroom management
Create a quality learning environment.
Start date: Any time
Duration: 48 hours
Online, self-paced
Explicit teaching
Maximise every lesson’s impact.
Start date: To be advised
Duration: 48 hours
Online, self-paced
Teaching phonics
Embed systematic phonics instruction.
Start date: To be advised
Duration: 48 hours
Online, self-paced
The project is part of the National Teacher Workforce Action Plan. The micro-credentials have been developed by industry-leading academics at the University of Adelaide, in partnership with the Australian Department of Education and in extensive consultation with state and territory education bodies – including Independent Schools Victoria.
The micro-credentials are free to undertake until 30 June 2026.
Completing just one of these three micro-credentials can count towards the annual 20-hour professional learning requirement for maintaining your teaching certificate.
Enrolments for the first micro-credential on Classroom management are now open; Explicit teaching and Teaching phonics will be available in the coming months.