Top Reads: The Power and Pleasure of the Pause
This fortnight's top reads from the team at ISV.

Every fortnight, ISV's Innovation & Learning Leaders share their top reads for teachers and educators.

1. The Power and Pleasure of the Pause
“Doing thinking or anything else well isn’t just a matter of work, work, work – smart pauses can be powerful!”
How does the intentional use of pause help our thinking as well as the thinking of our colleagues and students? Listen to more from David Perkins and Shari Tishman on the Thinkability podcast.

2. Paint with words: the two elements of powerful description
Nathan Baugh read some of the best descriptive writing he’s ever seen recently. He says “writers don’t just like to hate on adverbs. We love to hate on adverbs. They’re enemy number one, just ask anyone who’s read Stephen King’s On Writing“.

3. Stanford-led study links school environment to brain development
For decades, researchers have linked differences in school-age children’s brain development to their out-of-school environment, using indirect socioeconomic factors such as parental income and neighbourhood characteristics.