Home / Teaching Excellence Program 2025: Making great teachers excellent

Teaching Excellence Program 2025

Making great teachers excellent

Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) /
26 July 2024

1 min read

The new year might seem like a long way off, but it’s never too early to start working on your professional learning plan for 2025.

If you consider yourself a highly-skilled teacher, or you know any highly-skilled teachers, applications for the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership’s Teaching Excellence Program (TEP) are now open.

TEP is a year-long program designed to advance the professional knowledge and practice of teachers from Victorian government, Catholic and Independent schools.

Highly-skilled teachers will:

  • analyse their practice to deepen content and pedagogical content knowledge in key discipline areas
  • access contemporary, evidence-informed research and apply this learning to their students’ needs
  • Use an inquiry-based approach to deepen their knowledge, capability and confidence to teach even more effectively.

Applications close Sunday 22 September.

“You already as a teacher sometimes feel like I’m making an impact, I’m doing something, I’m making a difference. But then you’re like, there are ways that I can get better at this and the Teaching Excellence Program just gave me that opportunity.”

— Obayda Kannouj, Al-Taqwa College; former Teaching Excellence Program participant

Teacher and principal information sessions

The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership is hosting information sessions for teachers and principals to learn more about the Teaching Excellence Program.

These online sessions will provide an overview of the program and an opportunity for teachers to ask our Master Teachers questions.

  • Monday 5 August, 4.30pm to 5pm
  • Tuesday 10 September, 4.30pm to 5pm

Principals are encouraged to hear about the benefits of TEP for their teachers and school, and how to support successful applicants throughout their TEP professional learning journey.

  • Tuesday 6 August, 4.30pm to 5pm
  • Monday 16 September, 4.30pm to 5pm

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