Unpacking the Science of Learning
An evaluation of ISV's Cognizance program (2018-2022)

Education leaders increasingly recognise the importance of the science of learning. This was highlighted in a recent report from the Teacher Education Expert Panel (July 2023), which recommended that ‘the brain and learning’ be included as one of the core content areas of initial teacher education.
This evaluation report highlights the experience of thousands of students who took part in Independent Schools Victoria’s Cognizance program – a collaboration between ISV and education neuroscientist Dr Jared Cooney Horvath – between 2018–2022.
Recognising the importance of metacognition and the science of learning, Cognizance was developed to help students and their teachers understand how they learn. More than 4,000 students and 316 teachers from 20 schools participated and this report draws on survey responses from many of them.
Overall, the response was overwhelmingly positive and promising:
- Students gained a greater awareness, understanding and interest in their thinking and learning skills
- Cognizance helped to boost students’ confidence, leading to a more positive mindset and a greater sense of control over their academic and personal lives.
- Teachers and parents also reported a high level of satisfaction. Among other things, teachers felt it improved their teaching practice and increased their confidence.
Bring the science of learning to your school
Looking to help your students discover how the brain works so they can become active drivers of their own learning? The Learning Blueprint is an award-winning metacognition program – developed in collaboration with education neuroscientist Dr Jared Cooney Horvath – available exclusively through ISV.