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Aspiring Principals

Developing the next generation
of Independent school Principals

Deputy Principals, Senior Leaders,
AHISA Aspirant Members
Leadership development
Day 1: Friday 8 March 2024
Day 2: Tuesday 14 May 2024
Day 3: Thursday 1 August 2024
Day 4: Wednesday 23 October 2024,
plus 4 online masterclasses
(20 Mar, 29 May, 15 Aug, 15 Oct)
In-person and online
ISV Member Schools: $1,200
AHISA Aspirant Members: $1,000

Develop a deeper understanding of yourself as a leader, your leadership role in your current school and prepare for potential school Principal roles.

The Aspiring Principals Program – developed in partnership with Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) and the Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia (AHISA) – aims to develop the next generation of Independent school Principals.

It has been designed to equip aspiring educational leaders with the skills, capabilities and attributes required of Independent school Principals.

This engaging and practical program covers a wide range of issues including school governance, leadership, financial management, strategic planning, HR and legal matters. It will also include:

  • Feedback on your leadership strengths and potential for growth
  • A behavioural self-assessment using the DiSC® (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness) model
  • Q&A sessions with panels of practising principals and business managers
  • Leading a school-based change initiative using in-course resources and provocations to amplify your impact
  • Coaching methodology and modelling to lead you through a strategic change initiative.
“The Aspiring Principals Program has been pivotal in my development. I’m a more well-rounded Assistant Principal. It’s changed my thinking in many ways, mostly about how I interact with my colleagues and how I lead change.”

— Jamie Ozga, Assistant Principal, Berry Street School

More information

For more information, please contact Independent Schools Victoria at: isLearn@is.vic.edu.au.

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