Independent schools welcome Opposition’s stance on learning tax
Tuesday 30 May 2023

The Chief Executive of Independent Schools Victoria (ISV), Ms Michelle Green, today welcomed the Victorian Opposition’s decision to vote against the state government’s plan to impose a learning tax on non-government schools, and to repeal the tax if elected.
‘The Opposition’s decision recognises the damaging impact the unprecedented imposition of payroll tax will have on the valuable contribution made by Independent and other non-government schools to the education and wellbeing of young Victorians,’ Ms Green said.
‘This decision will be welcomed by all Independent schools who are struggling to assess the impact this surprise tax will have on the education they provide students from all backgrounds,’ she said.
‘The totally unexpected announcement of the tax in last week’s Victorian budget – the first time any state has applied such a measure on not-for-profit schools – is causing great anxiety and uncertainty for school leaders, their staff and for parents.
‘We continue to hope that the Victorian Government will reconsider this tax on learning in light of its likely unintended consequences.’
Media contact
Tom Hyland
Media and Communications Advisor
Independent Schools Victoria
0417 562 924