Rachel Holthouse appointed new Chief Executive of Independent Schools Victoria
Friday 5 July 2024

Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) today announced the appointment of Rachel Holthouse as its new Chief Executive, taking leadership of the association at a time of record growth in Independent schools.
The appointment was announced by the Chair of the ISV Board, Marianne Stillwell, who said Ms Holthouse comes to the role with a career background based on a commitment to the importance of education and its power to change lives and communities.
‘Ms Holthouse has a depth of experience in education leadership, strategy and advocacy – skills that are essential for ISV, a member services organisation supporting an extraordinarily diverse range of schools,’ Ms Stillwell said.
‘She has a demonstrated ability to work with governments, represent members, and lead a team that’s focused on supporting students and their families.’
Ms Holthouse has more than 20 years’ experience in education, including senior appointments at RMIT University and the University of Melbourne. Her work has included a particular focus on providing pathways for students into higher education.
She has a record of successful advocacy and engagement with governments, ministers and senior officials. Her communications and cross-cultural skills will be invaluable to ISV, given the diversity of the communities served by the growing Independent school sector.
Her academic qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts, a Diploma of Education, and a Master of Applied Linguistics.
Ms Holthouse said: ‘It’s a privilege to be given the chance to support Victoria’s thriving Independent schools in their crucial role of educating our young people.
‘I’m looking forward to working with our Member Schools and the ISV team, to ensure families have choices when enrolling their children in a school that matches their needs.’
Announcing the appointment, Ms Stillwell paid tribute to Meg Hansen, who has been Acting Chief Executive of ISV for the past seven months. Ms Holthouse takes up the appointment on 29 July.
ISV represents more than 230 schools that educate more than 165,000 students across Victoria. It is the fastest growing school sector in the state.
Media contact
Tom Hyland
Media and Communications Advisor
Independent Schools Victoria
0417 562 924