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ISV commends schools at time of ‘extraordinary challenge’

The Chief Executive of Independent Schools Victoria (ISV), Ms Michelle Green, today commended the organisation’s Member Schools for confronting the extraordinary challenge of resuming Term 2 in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ms Green said:

‘More than 220 Independent schools operating on more than 300 campuses started the new term facing extraordinary challenges in unprecedented circumstances.

‘They performed what no other Australian schools have been required to do up till now.

‘They delivered education to some 145,000 students using multiple platforms – through remote learning delivered either online or by printed material or a combination of both, and by providing a physical school setting for students who had no other option.

‘This was an extremely difficult task for all schools involved and the 13,000 teachers they employ.

‘Their work – and the work of all teachers in all school sectors – deserves to be applauded.

‘They are working in a period of national anxiety, doing their best for students at a time of great stress, uncertainty and a lack of consistent policy.

‘Independent schools – their teachers, students and parents – agree that the current method of operating is not sustainable for the long term.

‘We agree with the Prime Minister – that face-to-face classroom teaching in dynamic school communities is the best way to deliver education.

‘We look forward to the resumption of normal schooling, as soon as health experts all advise that it is safe to do so for all involved – students, teachers, school support staff, and parents.

‘In the meantime, Victorian Independent schools are acting on the advice of both the Victorian and Federal education ministers.

‘That means they are providing remote education for the overwhelming majority of their students, while offering a physical school setting for the children of parents who cannot work from home and for vulnerable children.’


Media contact:

Tom Hyland

ISV Media and Communications Advisor
0417 562 924