Home / Top Reads: AI teacher capacity building

Top Reads: AI teacher capacity building and more

This fortnight's top reads from the team at ISV.

Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) /
10 May 2024

Every fortnight, ISV's Innovation & Learning Leaders share their top reads for teachers and educators.

1. AI teacher capacity building

Learn about real-world applications of AI, common terminologies, advice from industry experts to start your AI journey and the differentiation between facts and myths.

2. How LEGO is helping boost student outcomes

LEGO is lifting student achievement in literacy and numeracy while also improving children’s social and emotional wellbeing.


3. Both/And Thinking Toolkit

Leaders frequently ask us…is embracing paradox an ability that people are born with or learn? Unsurprisingly… it’s both. Here are some resources to develop both/and thinking.


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