Supporting child safety at your school
How can ISV support Member Schools
with the Child Information Sharing Scheme?

1 min read
Support your school’s efforts to enhance child safety.
As ISV’s Child Information Sharing Scheme Project Officer, I provide support to member schools on child safety, offering the following services at no cost:
– Consultation and guidance on child safety matters. I am available via phone or email.
– Meetings with leadership teams, either online or on campus, as I visit schools across the state.
– Engagement in various networks and professional learning events in Victoria.
– Sharing best practices through social media and regular online meetings.
I would like to highlight the importance of CISS, FVISS, and MARAM in implementing consistent child safety reforms, and encourage leadership teams to review the following resources to align policy and practice with requirements:
MARAM practice guides and resources
Child Information Sharing Scheme
Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme
Protect: guidance for schools, early childhood services and more
Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or need support.
03 9825 7242