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Inside Our Schools

Celebrating the diversity of
Independent schools across Victoria.

One of the defining characteristics of Independent schools is their remarkable diversity.

This diversity is often not recognised by people outside the Independent sector and sometimes even by those who work and study within it.

This video series, ‘Inside Our Schools’, captures the unique spirit of each school through the authentic voices of students, principals and teachers.

They reveal the differences and diversity not only between schools, but within the communities they service.

Youth2Industry College

Youth2Industry College caters to young people who may not have had the most positive experience in mainstream education and are looking to move into an industry.

‘Whilst we absolutely want to wrap our young people in wellbeing supports, we also want to see them succeed academically. So, for us it’s about finding that balance,’ says Principal, Tom Witenden.

Bacchus Marsh Grammar

Bacchus Marsh Grammar caters to Melbourne's growing western suburbs.

In his time at the school, Principal Andrew Neal has watched it grow from 280 to 3,500 students. ‘One of the things we were determined not to lose is the notion of people knowing students individually and that’s been the cornerstone of our planning: How do we develop a school that is large, and has all the advantages of a large school, but also maintains a personal interest in individual students?’

Deutsche Schule Melbourne

Deutsche Schule Melbourne offers a bilingual English-German education for students in Foundation through to Year 6.

‘The most amazing thing to me is that we as a school have the chance to actually pass on something for life … developing this superpower of speaking a foreign language is just wonderful to see,’ says Principal Jörg Dopfer.

Hester Hornbrook Academy

Hester Hornbrook Academy is a special assistance school catering to students between 15 to 25 years old.

Students need to have been disengaged from education or employment for more than 10 weeks and come to the school with a variety of different education barriers. ‘For many of our students, it is mental health issues, and so we work learning and wellbeing side by side,’ says Principal Sally Lasslett.

King David School

In the words of Principal Marc Light, the King David School ‘moves to the rhythm of the Jewish calendar’.

‘In terms of our teaching and learning approach, we have a really unique educational framework and learning philosophy, based around developmental stages of children and a really strong understanding of emerging science around neuroscience in education.’

David Scott School

The David Scott School caters to young people who are disengaged from the mainstream school system.

‘What’s predominantly different about our school is that every class has a wellbeing worker, a teacher aide and a teacher in the class,’ says Michael Scicluna, Principal. This additional support helps to ‘create a community where everyone feels included, has a say and has agency. That’s a really important part of any success of a school like ours.’

Alice Miller School

Alice Miller School promotes firsthand experiences as the best basis for learning, creativity and inner strength.

According to Principal Sarita Ryan, “we promote the idea that teenagers, in particular, crave challenge. They want to experience the full gamut of what it is to be a human being. They want to experience what their limits are; they want to know what their limits are.”