Another step in the battle against cyberbullying

2 min read
What can schools and parents do to protect students from online bullying that University of New South Wales research indicates is experienced by one in five students aged 8 to 17 each year?
Part of the answer lies in the National Safe Schools Framework that sets out guiding principles to assist school communities develop positive and practical student safety and wellbeing policies.
We support the Framework’s objective of creating schools that are safe, supportive and respectful teaching and learning communities promoting student wellbeing.
We work with federal and state governments and organisations such as the Alannah and Madeline Foundation and support the Cybersmart, eSmart and Bullystoppers programs.
We also have professional learning seminars covering digital citizenship for teachers, present to school communities at cybersafety information nights and contribute to reference groups and forums that inform government policy.
How parents can identify and help when their children are confronted with bullying online is something we have discussed before, but there is always fresh research on cyberbullying and new campaigns developed to combat it.
The Victorian Government has partnered with Facebook to run an anti-bullying campaign, ‘Speak Up Against Cyberbullying’. Parents and students in Victoria will see videos on Facebook, raising awareness and providing advice.
Michelle Green was Chief Executive of Independent Schools Victoria from 2002–2023.